Among the various slots of weapons, only melee weapons, the fist, the brass knuckle and the gifts warrant safety from a wanted level when inside a police precinct upon unwanted entry. Here is a list of the available weapon slots, and the weapons that can be used in those slots. This allows the player to inflict twice the amount of damage per reload cycle. These weapons are light enough and feature reloading that is compatible with holding one in each hand. The second new feature is the ability to duel-wield several weapons (Pistol, Tec9, Micro uzi, Sawnoff shotguns) after reaching hitman weapon skill level. This aiming system also bears a strong resemblance to the execution system in Rockstar's Manhunt where the darker the color or the target, the more gruesome the execution while in San Andreas the darker the color of the target, the less health of the target. The assisted aiming feature is available on every weapon except the Rifle, the Sniper Rifle, projectiles, or any of the heavy weapons.
Green progresses to orange, which progresses to red, and finally black upon the target's death. Another key feature is the targeting lock that changes color as the target's health decreases. Furthermore, when multiple targets are within range, the computer selects the closest target first. Aiming is an improvement upon the auto-aim available in previous games where the computer would cycle between auto-aim and manual aim, depending upon the proximity of possible targets. The range is determined by the type of weapon and the player's proficiency with that weapon ( Weapon Skill stat). GTA San Andreas includes computer-assisted auto-aiming, which occurs when pedestrian targets are within the weapon's range.
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